Refound on Encouraging Knowledge Sharing

Welcome to the "Refound" page on, where we are exploring innovative ways to incentivize knowledge sharing and promote informed discussions. We want to emphasize that currently, all economic functions are disabled as the site is in the testing phase. However, we are working on implementing a "Refound" system that will provide a unique opportunity for users to benefit from the quality of their interactions and contributions.

Our Vision

At, we believe that the value of conversations and high-quality information should be recognized and rewarded. Our vision is to create an ecosystem where users are motivated to share their knowledge, promoting intellectual growth and the dissemination of reliable informative content.

Refound: How It Will Work

Note: Currently, this feature is not yet active, but we are working to implement it in the future.

Once the "Refound" system is activated, users will have the opportunity to earn points or credits through their positive interactions and meaningful contributions to the platform. These points will be awarded based on the quality of content, constructive participation in discussions, and sharing of authoritative information.

These credits can be used in various forms, such as privileged access to premium content, special interactions with recognized experts, or even discounts on future events organized by

Join the Experiment

We understand that the "Refound" feature is currently under development and not yet available. However, we invite you to engage in discussions and interactions on, contributing to the creation of a community based on sharing and intellectual enrichment. When the feature is launched, you will be among the first to experience the benefits of knowledge sharing.

Thank you for being part of our ongoing experiment on We look forward to further developing the "Refound" feature and creating a system that rewards informative contribution and constructive user engagement.